Curriculum Vitae or resume


5.2022 - today Hohnloser Holding GmbH & Co. KG
working student
Prototyping and project development. Hardware-dependent programming and consultation regarding electrical and computer engineering.
4.2021 - 4.2022 Hohnloser Holding GmbH & Co. KG
student freelancer
Prototyping and project development. Hardware-dependent programming with microcontrollers and statistical evaluation. Development of Python applications.
12.2019 - 3.2021 TUHH Computer Center
student assistant
Technical support for WI-FI networks. Website maintenance and documentation.


10.2021 - today Hamburg University of Technology
master of science: computer science and engineering
10.2017 - 9.2021 Hamburg University of Technology
bachelor of science: computer science and engineering
Major in electrical engineering, computer science and mathematics. With a focus on Engineering.
8.2009 - 7.2017 Gymnasium Lerchenfeld
general higher education (Abitur)
Profile of technology with a focus on Computer Science. Main subject in mathematics, physics and philosophy.

Scientific Work & Projects

2021 bachelor thesis: Pulsoxymetriesignale empfangen, auswerten und darstellen mit Raspberry Pi
institute of Microsystem Technology, Hamburg University of Technology
Realization of Photoplethysmography by using the MAX30101 sensor and the discussion about blood pressure approximation based on pulseodymetry data.
2020 The Active Contours procedure and its implementation
institute of Medical Technology and Intelligent Systems, Hamburg University of Technology
Summary of the mathematical backgrounds and results of the IVOCT project.
2020 Using image processing for IVOCT diagnosis
institute of Medical Technology and Intelligent Systems, Hamburg University of Technology
Data Processing implementation of raw IVOCT data. Representation of extracted medical data in Matlab.
2019 Mikrocontrollerschaltungen Realisierung in Hard- und Software
insitute of Control Systems, Hamburg University of Technology
Planning and creation of a PCB using an Atme16A microcontroller.